Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don't Take Methotrexate/Folic Acid If You Suffer From Arthritis

Methotrexate/Folic Acid is one of the worst substances you can be putting into your body to alleviate pain and inflammation. Yet it is commonly used among arthritis sufferers as anti-inflammatory agent. Most arthritis sufferers are not aware of the fact that they do not need drugs to cure their symptoms. Whether you suffer from osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, degenerative joint disease, etc, drugs are not necessary to help your condition. What doctors never tell their patients is that the reason they suffer from arthtitis (and this is consistent with almost any disease/illness) isn’t because they need Methotrexate/Folic Acid, Etanercept, Azathioprine, Cataflam or any other drug (and there are many). In fact, consuming such harmful substances in our diet is the exact reason we have so many health problems. Today, we are consuming far too many harmful substances from hydrogenated oil, coloring matter, boric acid and other harmful food preservatives in our food source, while depriving ourselves of the most important nutrients and minerals in nutritional medicine that we need. Such deficiencies almost always lead to disease and illness. In fact, this combination is always responsible for either the prevention of disease and illness (by consuming the right substances) or the development of them (consuming harmful substances. I bet your doctor has never told you this. Drugs are merely chemicals and they change the way a person’s body works. For example, Methotrexate works by interfering and suppressing the blood cells that cause inflammation. In fact, many NAISDs (pain killers used to reduce inflammation and pain) inhibit the production of Cox enzymes which are responsible for producing prostaglandins, which promote inflammation and pain. But at the same time, these drugs are doing damage to the lining of the patients’ digestive tracts, which means a lot of them will develop indigestion and ulcers. Some patients who have used Methotrexate have developed mouth ulcers, experienced fetal deaths, bone marrow suppression, stomach/intestinal disease. The drug has also caused liver irritation and kidney and liver function are extremely important in carrying toxins and other harmful matter out of the body. There are more side effects of this drug, but the point is that drugs ruin our lives. The sad part about it is that most people either don’t know that they don’t need drugs to treat their illness or they’re just not aware of what kind of alternatives exist.
Well, think about this, your doctor can only tell you about drugs and how to use them to treat illness, but they cannot tell you how to prevent or eradicate disease and illness. This is because they went to medical school where the curriculum is dominated by the study of drugs for treatment, drug prescription, etc, instead of nutrition or nutritional medicine. The only thing that can eradicate and prevent disease and illness, will always be found in natural healing substances, not harmful chemicals. If you want to learn more about nutritional medicine or any other natural alternatives to get rid of your arthritis pain and inflammation, you can pick up a free report that will give you more details at the Arthritis Remedy website. They offer a free report called “The 3 Underlying Causes of Arthritis Pain & Inflammation That Your Doctor Won’t Tell You.” As this report makes its way into the hands of more and more people, of course drug companies will find a way to try and ban it so it's important to pick up a copy right away. You don’t have to suffer and you don’t have to use chemicals that have dangerous side effects. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

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